Real Property Management Charlotte Metro

Enhancing Rental Property Marketing with Virtual Tours

If you own a rental property, you should understand how crucial marketing is to attracting the ideal tenants. If you still haven’t used virtual tours, you’re passing up a fantastic chance! Providing virtual tours of your rental homes to prospective tenants is a great method to show them what to expect before they ever set foot on the property. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the advantages of virtual visits for the marketing of rental properties and the reasons why all rental property owners should implement them.

Virtual Tour Basics

A virtual tour, which allows prospective tenants to virtually navigate a rental property, is a computer-generated simulation of the space. Virtual tours offer a comprehensive and captivating view of every room, unlike photographs that just show a portion of the property. Virtual tours also provide potential tenants the chance to see how their furniture will fit into the house and estimate the size of the rooms and other spaces.

Virtual tours of rental properties are favored by a significant number of tenants, according to recent research. More than 70% of renters, according to data compiled by Zumper, were prepared to rent an apartment without physically inspecting it, on the condition that a 3D virtual tour could be utilized to do so.

Types of Virtual Tours

Prospective tenants may examine your rental homes from anywhere without physically being there thanks to virtual tours, which offer an immersive experience. In this manner, prior to viewing the property, people can assess whether the place meets their demands. There are three primary varieties of virtual tours available for selection: virtual reality tours, 360-degree virtual tours, and 3D virtual tours.

1. 360-degree Virtual Tour: The process of constructing 360-degree virtual excursions involves the integration of multiple photographs to form a unified panoramic image. Click and drag to explore the room—this feature gives prospective tenants a comprehensive overview of the space in a single image. For rental property owners who are new to virtual tours, 360-degree tours are a great choice because they are inexpensive and simple to create.

2. 3D Virtual Tour: In contrast to a 360-degree virtual tour, a three-dimensional (or “true”) virtual tour provides prospective tenants with a more immersive experience by enabling them to physically traverse the premises. Utilizing specialized software, these excursions are assembled from a collection of numerous photographs taken of a rental property. Three-dimensional virtual tours are usually reserved for luxury rental homes due to the time and work involved in producing results of this caliber.

3. Virtual Reality Tour: Virtual reality (VR) excursions are the most innovative and captivating method of property exploration. Prospective tenants can virtually investigate every nook and cranny of the property by donning a VR headset and virtually walking through it as if they were physically present. While virtual reality tours were originally uncommon, they are increasingly more frequent as VR technology becomes more widely available.

The Benefits of Using Virtual Tours

Let’s examine some advantages of utilizing virtual tours for your rental property marketing now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of them.

Convenience. The convenience factor is by far the biggest advantage of virtual tours. Visitors to your rental properties can take tours without having to interrupt their workdays or leave their homes. This is particularly advantageous for renters residing out of state or internationally who need assistance organizing a time to visit the property in person.

24/7 Availability. Virtual tours are accessible around the clock, every day of the week. This allows prospective occupants to schedule tours of your rental properties around their convenience, rather than having to accommodate your schedule.

Increased Online Engagement. It has also been demonstrated that virtual tours boost engagement. The SEO, or online presence, of your rental property in search engines can be enhanced via virtual tours. Incorporating a virtual tour into your property listing is an excellent method to enhance your search engine position as Google favors new and original material.

How to Optimize Your Virtual Tours

These pointers will help you maximize the advantages of virtual tours now that you are aware of their advantages:

Quality Matters. When it comes to virtual tours, quality is important. Use high-quality images and videos, instead of ones with low resolution or fuzzy shots. In order to enhance the comprehension of prospective tenants regarding your rental properties, employ high-quality virtual tour materials.

Include a Call to Action. Towards the conclusion of your virtual tour, include a call to action (CTA). An encouragement to proceed, such setting up a showing or getting in touch with you for further details, is provided via a caption or button labeled (CTA). By adding a call to action, you may encourage potential tenants to take the next step and apply for a rental.

Using virtual tours to provide prospective tenants with an impression of your rental properties without requiring them to pay a visit in person is an excellent notion. Now is the ideal time to begin incorporating virtual excursions into your rental property marketing if you have yet to do so. Contact your local Real Property Management office today to learn more about incorporating virtual tours into your rental property marketing.